Weather Proof and Water Proof Storage Containers by Design

Each of our storage containers has been designed from the ground up to resist the elements more than any other container on the market. We’ve developed specialized industrial techniques and superior designs to prevent leaks from weather, rust, and damage over time.

The containers from Star Storage Solution will last longer and bring a greater rate of return over their lifespan. We’ve done our best to create a truly waterproof storage container in extreme weather conditions. It’s no wonder we’ve created an industry-leading 10-year warranty for our Professional model storage container.


The container roofs are built with galvanized steel plates to resist corrosion. Steel parts are dipped in molten zinc at 842 °F which bonds to the surface creating a very strong material that protects the steel from rust and wear.

We have also implemented an interlocked system that eliminates access points for water to leak in and damage your customer’s goods. We use multiple bows and reinforced corners to create the stability it requires to stack our Deluxe and Professional containers up to 3 high. Below you can see the standard design on the left, and our leak proof design on the right.


Our containers are also built around a hot-dip galvanized steel frame. This process is superior to the coated steel components of other containers in every way. It makes the material stronger and extremely resistant to rust and damage. The structural integrity of the storage container relies on a solid foundation, so our containers are built to last inside-out.


In addition to the frame, the walls of our water proof storage containers are also special. The aluminum composite materials of our Deluxe and the steel composite materials of our Professional models have been designed to resist rust at an unprecedented level. Composite panels have been tested to withstand corrosion from a continuous 4,000 hour salt spray test in a salt spray chamber. Read more about ACM Panels here

Coated steel sheets, the most common material of your standard shipping container will chip and damage allowing water and salt in which will cause rust to form within a few short years. Rust damage creates holes that let in the elements which will damage your customer’s goods and require costly maintenance to prevent.

You can see the effects of rust on this phone box pictured here on a corrosion-free galvanized steel wall.


Are SCM and ACM Panels the best ROI for Portable Storage Containers?


The Long-Term Gains of Galvanizing Storage Containers